The Real Housewives of New York City, Episode 9: "The Last Splash"

Listen guys. When I realized that Aviva was missing from the opening of this episode, I was pretty ecstatic. I was jumping for joy, which is ironic since I'm not sure she can do that. I was hoping that she was gone. Banished mid-way through filming for unkown reasons, destined to pop back in the season finale to toss her leg at someone and then hobble away to cling to Fran Drescher and hope that whatever fame that shrew has would somehow rub off on her. Alas, it was not to be. It turns out that Aviva had to go visit her son at camp for parents day, so she skipped out on the trip to the Berkshires, and therefore her image was banished from the opening. This is very interesting. Wasn't Ramona absent in Africa at the beginning of the season? She was and yet, it was still Turtle Time. Hmmm... I know what you're thinking, with Aviva gone, this Berkshires trip is going to super lame and uneventful and drama free... oh hey Ramona. Both your eyes are rolling around in opposite directions and I see you're warming up your throwing arm...