Monday, April 1, 2013

American Idol Recap: Splitsville, USA

American Idol, Episode 23: "Top Eight Results"

So, again, we'll keep it short and sweet.  Devin and Lazaro were in the bottom two and the wrong person went home.  That's right.  Devin Velez was sent packing and Lazaro lived to stutter another day.  Lame.  Bad choice, America.  

Devin went out with a bang though.  After he was eliminated he got into a Twitter war with Nicki, after he criticized her reaction to their group performance during a conference call with reporters.  So, maturity on both sides there.  

So, were you sad to see Devin go?  Is it a good sign that Lazaro was finally in the bottom two?  Will next week, be the end of his reign of terror?  Let me know in the comments.

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