Monday, November 3, 2014

The Real Housewives of Orange County Recap: Tequila Makes Shannon Have a Meltdown

The Real Housewives of Orange County, Episode 11: "Making Woo-Hoo-Py"

This episode was as boring as Lizzie.  Seriously.  What is Lizzie's storyline this season?  She wants to be a wife, mother and a businesswoman, but Christian wants her to just pump out babies?  Which she wants to?  Who cares?  It's just not very exciting and whenever Lizzie comes onscreen, my eyes just sort of glaze over.  I can appreciate that Heather is trying to cultivate a relationship with her, but if Lizzie wants to be more than a one season wonder she needs to get her shit together and bring something to the table.

I really could care less about this episode.  It was more of an intimate look into the Beador marriage and I'm just not really invested in this.  I can appreciate that Shannon and David are trying to fix this and it's nice of Vicki to invite them to Mexico to try and fix it, but ugh.  Who cares?  It was also nice to see that the Beador's are spoiled, rich people.  It seems like the producers have tried to pit the Beador's and the Dubrow's against each other.  The Beador's are the "good" rich people and the Dubrow's are the "bad" rich people.  But here, the Beador's showed that they are normal rich people.  When they are confronted with a small room and a small bed they are ready to eschew Vicki's hospitality and head for a hotel suite in Puerto Vallarta.  I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that and Vicki completely ignoring them was pretty hilarious, but come on!  They aren't any different than the Dubrow's!!  They are just folksy.

So, Vicki is hardcore into saving the Beador's marriage.  She arranges a beachfront dinner where they kind of lay it all on the table.  It is nice to see them work through things and it is nice to hear David get emotional.  Shannon is kind of high strung and that can grate on someone.  David seems like a guy who is pretty laid back and just goes with the flow and Shannon is a planner.  She needs structure and is an emotional person.  It seems like they sort of work things out, but later on David drinks some tequila, Shannon comments on it a little harshly, a little passive aggressively  and when David calls her on it, she dashes to the bathroom.  Everyone is hungry, it's a terrible time for this.  Vicki follows Shannon to the bathroom, and tries to show her the error of her ways.

My issue with Vicki trying to play marriage counselor is that she tries to put all the blame on the woman in the relationship whether it is herself in her relationship with Donn or Shannon in her relationship with David.  It takes two.  I don't think Shannon is imagining these things with David and I'm sure that she is not the only one putting strain on her relationship.  Annoying.

Shannon and David end up going outside.  I'm not sure what Shannon's deal is.  I know that she is perfectly sane, but this makes her look crazy.  It is so frustrating.

Ugh.  So, what did you guys think?  Do you care about David and Shannon's marriage?  Do you think Vicki should be giving marriage advice?  Let me know in the comments.

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