Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Real Housewives of Atlanta Seventh Season Premiere Recap: I Wasn't The Guy On The Corner Selling Cocaine

The Real Housewives of Atlanta, Episode 1: "Bye Bye and Bon Voyage"

I'm going to need Housewives and their spouses to stop doing illegal things.  It's sucking all the fun out of a show that should just be about overprivileged people doing ridiculous things.  But, if you are going to do illegal things and then choose to film the show to discuss said illegal things, I'm going to need you to at least own up to what you've done and take some responsibility.  Look at the Giudices over on RHONJ.  Even after they have been sentenced to prison time, when someone asks them about what happened, they act befuddled.  They act like they have no idea how this happened to them, even after they have made public statements apologizing for what happened in court.  Do they not realize that the public has access to these things?  That a courtroom is not a black hole where everything that happens in it just fails to exist.

The quote the blog title comes from is something Apollo says in his one on one interviews with the producers.  What bothers me is that Apollo is trying to make excuses for what he's done.  Oh, I didn't rape anyone or I wasn't the guy dealing drugs to the kids on the corner.  So?  You just stole millions of dollars from people, lied to your wife and let your kids down.  No big deal, right, Apollo?  It could be worse.  It got on my nerves that other Housewives and their significant others were trying to make excuses for Apollo.  I think Kandi is right that the judicial system comes down harder on black men a majority of the time, but I don't think that is what is going on in this case.  If the judge came down hard on Apollo, I think it had more to do with his "fame," rather than his race.

This was a pretty low key premiere compared to Atlanta premieres of seasons past.  It was a very much a continuation of the drama of last season and kind of reminded everyone where we left the ladies after the reunion ended.

Nene is over it.  Seriously.  Is there any way that this won't be her last season as an Atlanta housewife?  She doesn't even have a scene with any other cast member in this episode and  no, Gregg doesn't count.  She has fled from Atlanta to the deserts of Las Vegas to emcee the Cirque du Soleil show, Zumanity.  Zumanity is a pretty sexually charged show and Nene is the first celebrity they have had emcee.  She is pretty nervous.  She doesn't want to fuck up her lines and face the wrath of artistic director, Ria.  Seriously, though.  Ria looks terrifying.  Did you see her face.  It looks like she is just waiting for Linnethia to fuck up. She wants it to happen.  I get the feeling that Nene is not the type of celebrity she wanted to emcee this show.

Nene has a very complicated relationship with sex and nudity.  As we all know, Nene was once an Atlanta stripper who went by the stage name, Silk.  So she's totes fine showing everyone her swerves and curves, but when it comes to talking about sex and being in the midst of a make believe orgy on the Zumanity stage, she sort of falls apart and stops making sense.  This does lead to a pretty hilarious convo between Nene and Gregg about how many people constitute an orgy.  Is a three way an orgy?  If it was, wouldn't it just be called an orgy?  Why have a separate name for it?  This is deep shit everybody.  Nene reiterates that she is glad to be out of Atlanta and away from all the dramz.  Is Nene even going to make it through this season?

Kandi and Todd are kind of ho-hum.  They are getting ready for Todd's daughter, Kaela, to move from NYC to the A.  They have a different style of parenting.  Todd thinks kids should work for their money and have curfews, but Kandi thinks spoiling is the way.  Todd isn't helping around the house.  Who cares.  Where is Mama Joyce?

Cynthia is celebrating her emancipation from Nene by buddying up to Kenya.  I don't really get Cynthia here.  Nene and Cynthia seemed like genuine friends.  I know that Cynthia wasn't happy with Nene calling Peter a bitch, but that seemed to work out and like Nene pointed out at the reunion, filming stops and they were friends and then the reunion happens and Cynthia doesn't want to be friends anymore?  Seems a little suspicious.  I can't get behind Cynthia trying to blame Nene for all the problems in her life.  Nene was the reasons she had problems with Peter?  Nene and Peter were bigger BFF's than Cynthia and Nene.  Nene was their biggest cheerleader.  I'm pretty sure that the problems with Cynthia and Peter's marriage stem from the fact that Peter is a humongous douchebag.

Nene isn't perfect, but she always had Cynthia's back and it seems to me like Cynthia is trying to use this to bolster her screen time and make her presence worth it on the show.  Of course, Kenya is cackling with glee.  She trumpets how Cynthia has left her permanent residence in Nene's ass, but it seems that now Cynthia has found a new room in Kenya's spacious stallion booty.

Talk turns to Kenya and Porsha's reunion brawl and it really bothers me that the women are so quick to defend Porsha.  I don't care if someone is waving a scepter in your face or screaming at you with a bullhorn, you don't put hands on another person, provoked or not.  Porsha is celebrating her demotion, the only punishment she seems to have received for attacking someone, with a swimsuit photo shoot that shows off her new titties.  Porsha is her normal dumbbell self, making up words and breezily declaring that she will never apologize to Kenya.  Why are you agreeing with her Kandi?  You have sense.  Come on!

We'll end this recap where we began with Phaedra and Apollo.  It's hard to really disagree with anything Phaedra did in this episode.  She is hurt and betrayed.  The man she loved and the father of her children went behind her back and committed crimes that will affect them all for a long time.  If she wants to stay in a hotel and keep her sons away from the courthouse where their father is being sentenced to PRISON, I say go girl.  I don't for one second believe that Apollo was in any danger of being taken to prison right from his sentencing.  Despite her many other "careers," Phaedra is a lawyer first.  I believe if she knew how the sentencing was going to play out.  I'm not sure why the other women are so surprised.  Why should Phaedra support Apollo through this?  He doesn't deserve support.  He deserves prison and a divorce.

I'm over Apollo's poor me speechifying.  It was kind of nice to meet his white trash family.  It sort of illuminated why he would engage in this sort of white collar crime, but his attempts at justifying what he did and his disdain and treatment of Phaedra in front of her mother and their boys just makes me want him off the show sooner rather than later.

So, did you feel this premiere was somewhat low key compared to others?  Is Nene totally over it?  Are we buying this new and empowered Cynthia?  Should the women be sympathizing more with Kenya?  Do you support Phaedra?  Let me know in the comments.

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