Sunday, February 24, 2013

Pretty Little Liars Recap: #SpencerSnapped

Pretty Little Liars, Episode 19: "What Becomes of the Broken-Hearted"

Oh Spencer.  I feel like I'll begin these recaps that way for maybe the rest of the season.  Spencer continued her downslide this episode starting with being kicked off the academic decathlon team due to MonA's machinations and ending it by pouncing on her after she tricked Wren into driving her to where the decathlon was being held.  Spencer is still not talking to the other Liars and is bound and determined to make her downward spiral something to remember.  When, Andrew shows up at her house later on that day, Spencer attempts a strip quiz in order to win her spot back on the team.  Emily shows up before things go too far and tries to pry what Toby did out of Spencer.  Spencer isn't taking the bait though.  I will say Depressed Spencer does come up with some snappy lines.  I did enjoy her retort to Andrew when he showed up.  "I was just getting ready to put out a new doormat that said 'Go Away.'"  Spencer receives another gentleman caller, in the form of Wren, who is there because of MonA.  I really think that is what made Spencer snap.  It is then that she tricks Wren into taking her to the hotel where the decathlon is being held.  She confronts MonA who taunts her with remarks about Toby.  When, MonA points out that none of Spencer's friends are there, that is when Spencer jumps her.  I will say that the Spencer/Mona dust up was a little lame.  I was hoping for more.  Maybe some hair pulling, some scratching.  I am hopeful that we will see a better brawl before the season ends.

Hanna continued to try to force Caleb to meet with his father Uncle Jack.  Caleb tried to tell Hanna this is a bad idea, but she won't listen.  Does anyone care about this?  Seriously.  Doesn't Caleb deserve better than this lame found father storyline?  Long story short, they meet.  Uncle Jack seems decent.  Hanna convinces Ashley to convince her pastor bf to give Jack a job.  Jack steals money from the collection plate that Hanna put there.  Hanna is aghast.  The audience hopes this is all over soon.

Aria continues to get closer to the younger Fitz.  CeCe hires Aria to do a photo shoot at her clothing store.  Aria brings Wes along as her assistant.  CeCe is basically gone this entire time, getting food.  She calls Aria  and tells a lie about how her car was towed, even though she is calling Aria from inside her car.  Hmmm.  So, are we all pretty positive that CeCe is Red Coat?  I mean, I'm still hoping it is someone else, because it all seems a little too obvious, but my gut is telling me it's CeCe.  So, Aria finds out that Wes has been sleeping in the backseat of his car, so of course, she invites him to stay with her.  One thing leads to another and they are kissing!  Yes.  I am all about Wes and Aria.  I have never really been on board with Ezria.  I know I've said it before but it bears repeating.  Here's hoping that Aria moves on with the younger Fitz.

Emily is taking on the Spencer role, since Spence is spinning out of control.  She asks CeCe about Wilden and Allison, but CeCe blows her off.  Emily's next stop is to visit Jason.  She finds him outside, the bottles of whiskey the "A" team purchased decorating his porch.  Emily tells Jason about her suspicions about Wilden and he remembers a picture that may have Wilden and Allie in it together.  They head to Jason's dad's office and find the pic.  It shows Allison, Wilden, and CeCe all on Wilden's boat.  So, CeCe lied.  Shocker.  Then, there is that elevator scene.  It was so funny.  It was so melodramatic.  I loved Emily's scream as the elevator dropped with Jason still inside.  I think that is part of PLL's appeal.  On another show, something like that would be a huge turn off, but on PLL it just works.  

Jason survives his elevator plummet (of course!) and Emily calls the other girls to the hospital where she fills them in on the Wilden/Allie/CeCe picture.  They are interrupted by a nurse who tells them that Jason is gone.  The plot thickens.

The episode ends with the "A" team taping pics of the Liars on the necks of whiskey bottles.  They spin another bottle and it lands on Aria.  One turns it to point at Spencer.  Say it with me everyone, "Oh, Spencer."

So, what did you guys think?  Is CeCe definitely red coat?  Where'd Jason run off to?  Are you as over the Caleb/Dad storyline as I am?  Did you laugh at the elevator scene too?  How much farther does Spencer have to go before she hits rock bottom?  Let me know in the comments.

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