Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Carrie Diaries Recap: Recipes for Disaster

The Carrie Diaries, Episode 6: "Endgame"

The Carrie Diaries celebrated Thanksgiving a few months late.  It was the first Thanksgiving for the Bradshaw family without mom and Carrie wanted to make it perfect.  She was determined to do Thanksgiving the same way her mom did, right down to using her old recipes.  You knew from the beginning that things would go wrong and oh did they.  Every Sex and the City fan knows that Carrie is a terrible cook, so her deciding to make dinner is doomed to fail right from the start.  Plus, George and his dad, Harlan are coming over.  Carrie spends the day removing anything from her room that could be potentially embarrassing.  Dorrit is right behind her though, putting everything back.

Ugh.  Dorrit.  I did not miss you last episode.  Dorrit does everything she can to ruin Thanksgiving.  She destroy's their mom's recipes, gives Carrie a hard time at every turn, tries to embarrass her in front of George.  George comes to the rescue though.  He and Dorrit bond while they watch the game with their dads.  He also calls her out on her ridiculous goth makeover.  I loved how he pointed out that she wasn't really being unique, since she and all her friends were doing the same thing.

With her recipes ruined, Carrie calls in Mouse for help.  That makes it even more of a disaster.  Neither of the girls want to remove the insides of the turkey.  They can't even get the turkey into the oven.  Carrie finally shoves it in, but the turkey catches on fire, the oven door falls off, and every fuse in the house is blown.  Carrie has had it.  She freaks out on her dad about using her as a replacement for their mother.  I feel like they have already had this discussion.  All's well that ends well though, they have a nice candlelit dinner.  Carrie and Dorrit make up.  Dorrit apologizes for trying to ruin everything and Carrie doesn't turn her in for smoking pot.  I mean, they are good until next week.

Sebastian shows up though.  He was supposed to have Thanksgiving with his mom, but she bailed.  So, the pretty little rich boy shows up on Carrie's doorstep rather than Donna's.  Hmm.  Carrie's dad lets  him stay, because he now trusts Carrie's decision making process.  They are setting up a nice love triangle here.  Who will Carrie choose?  Bad boy Sebastian?  Or nice guy, trust fund kid, George?

Maggie spent Thanksgiving with Walt's parents, who have definite ideas about Walt's future.  His are different, but he is too scared to say anything to them.  Maggie comes to the realization that, maybe, she is better than what she thinks she is.  She also breaks things off with skeevy cop guy.  Big moves.

So, what did you think of the newest episode?  Did you like the reference to Carrie using her oven for storage?  Let me know in the comments.

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