Saturday, March 2, 2013

Pretty Little Liars Recap: Hit and Run

Pretty Little Liars, Episode 20: "Hot Water"

Oh Ashley.  You have replaced Spencer, for this recap anyways, as the bonehead of this episode.  It all started with Hanna and Ashley witnessing Wilden strong arming CeCe into his police car.  Hanna is way too focused on what is happening.  When Ashley asks Hanna why she is so fascinated, Hanna tries to blow her off, but Ash is not having it.  Ashley is interesting.  In some ways, she is one of the best parents of all the PLL's.  She knows her daughter well and she doesn't allow Hanna to bend the truth with her.  She knows when Hanna is being evasive and she calls her on it.  In other ways, she is one of the worst.  I'm thinking about her sleeping with Wilden in the first place, stealing money from the bank she works at, and sleeping with Hanna's dad.  Hanna comes clean with Ashley about knowing CeCe and her theory about Wilden knocking Allie up.  Ashley believes Hanna right away and tells her to stay away from Wilden.  Unfortunately, Wilden is not willing to stay away from Ashley.  While she is dining alone (which is kind of brave, but also kind of sad.  Mostly sad), Wilden presents her with a glass of wine and a threat to keep Hanna quiet.  Ashley dismisses him, but Wilden isn't that easily dissuaded, when Ashley leaves the restaurant, Wilden follows.  On a deserted road, and in Rosewood are there any others, Wilden pulls Ashley over and asks her if she's been drinking.  This is just another avenue for Wilden to threaten Ashley, but she won't bow down.  She gets back in her car with Wilden in front of it.  He seems like he is going for his gun, so Ashley does what anyone would do.  She mows him down.  Hanna finds her in the kitchen in the dark.  Ashley takes her back to the site of the hit and run, but Wilden is gone.  Neither of the ladies notice the camera in Wilden's police car, recording everything.

Meanwhile, Aria is getting more involved in Fitz's baby mama drama.  It has grown though to include Mrs. Fitz, who shows up to *gasp* thank Aria.  Aria thinks it's for helping Little Fitz, but Mrs. Fitz is surprised to find out that Aria let him stay with her.  Mrs. Fitz makes some comments meant to get under Aria's skin.  Aria seems unflappable when she sends Mrs. Fitz, away but you can tell she is shaken.  It doesn't seem that Aria has really considered what it will be like to have a boyfriend who has a 7-year-old child.  This is not the last Aria sees of Mrs. Fitz, when she shows up at Fitz's apartment later, mother and son are in the middle of a heated argument.  Fitz is pretty great in this scene.  Typically, I think Ezra comes off as wishy washy and kind of lame, but here he is strong.  He stands up to his mom and defends Aria.  He rebukes her gift for Malcolm, whom she hid from him for 7 years and she leaves in disgrace.  Or does she?  Turns out, Mrs. Fitz owns the apartment that Malcolm's mom lives in and she has decided to sell.  Uh-oh, Aria.  Guess who's coming to Rosewood?

Emily has picked up the sleuthing slack from Spencer.  She and Hanna corner Paige and invite themselves along to the Rosewood Costume Shop.  The girl working there is the same girl that Hanna saw Paige flirting with at the only lesbian bar in Rosewood.  She is not hip to let the ladies know who rented the Queen of Hearts costume from Halloween.  Hanna does some awesome he said sarcastically distracting, while Emily got a hold of the list of the costume shop's clients and e-mailed it to herself.  Nice, Em.  Getting revenge.  A woman scorned.  Take that almost lover!  I know, she was doing it to find out who rented the costume, but come on.  You know she was hoping that girl got fired.  Paige also fessed up to dating costume shop lesbian for six weeks, but Em, knowing she got that bitch canned, forgives her.  Emily ends up at CeCe's crib and finds her packing to get the hell out of Dodge.  Emily confronts her and she admits that she has no idea if Allie was telling the truth about her relationship with Wilden or what their relationship really was.  She also let's it slip that Melissa Hastings  took the picture of Wilden, CeCe, and Allison at Cape May that summer.  This also jives with Jason's recollection of seeing CeCe and Melissa talking in the last episode.  Oh, speaking of the wayward DeLaurentis, turns out he is hiding out.  So, his disappearance was nothing.  Awesome.

The news of Melissa being back on the list of "A" team suspects does not bode well for Spencer, since Melissa, ugly haircut and all, is back in the Hastings household.  She also knows that Spencer and her ex Wren are getting cozy again.  So does a member of the "A" team because they spy the former lovers making out in the Rosewood town square.  Spencer decides to take a steam, while she is alone.  Seriously, Spence.  Asking for trouble.  Side note: how rich are the Hastings?  And can I become a Hastings somehow?  I really want to have a steam room in my house.  Spencer falls asleep in the steam room, as you are wont to do apparently.  First, Hannah in Girls, now Spencer.  A member of the "A" team, a jealous Toby perhaps, has locked Spencer in the steam room with a plunger.  Aria arrives to save Spencer, just in time.  Turns out she received a text from Spence asking her to come over.  A text from "A".  looks like this was just a warning.  This is the straw that breaks Spencer's back.  She finally speaks the words that we've been waiting for.  "I know who's helping MonA."

Oh, and at the end of the episode, a member of the "A" team is seen getting a "In Memory Of" wreath ready.  Looks like someone is going to kick the bucket.

Who do you think it's going to be?  Share your guesses in the comments.

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