Saturday, March 23, 2013

Pretty Little Liars Recap: RIP Spoby

Pretty Little Liars, Episode 21: "Out of Sight, Out of Mind"

So, I think that picture says it all.  You may have thought that Spencer had hit rock bottom, but you'd have been wrong.  That officially happened in this episode.  What finally pushed Spence to her breaking point?   Well, read on to find out.  Before we get to the big reveal though, let's check in on the other Liars.

Ashley is a terrible mother.  She dragged Hanna into her hit and run and then just bails on her.  Hanna is preoccupied with it, shockingly, so she can't really focus on the Toby revelAtion.  Hanna meanwhile is scouring the news channels looking for signs that Wilden's body has been found.  She receives a surprise.  Wilden's cop car in her garage.  I kind of laughed when that happened.  Sometimes I have to remind myself that in Rosewood that this is perfectly normal.  No one would bat an eyelash at some cop car being parked int the Marin's garage.  It's just another Tuesday.  Inside the cop car, the video is playing that shows Ashley plowing into Wilden and then driving away.  This all too much for Hanna, so she calls in Aria for help.  Smart move.  The girls take Wilden's car down to the lake and dump it in.  So, that problem is solved, right?  Right?  Why are you guys looking at me like that?

Aria is a terrible mother -- er-- babysitter.  Aria is still adjusting to Fitz having his own little Fitz, but at the beginning of the ep, she seems to be making her peace with it.  She awkwardly plays trains with them and volunteers to babysit.  While she is watching Malcolm, she turns her back for a second -- a second! -- and Malcolm jumps off the bed, falls off and starts bleeding from the noggin.  At the hospital, Ezra comforts Aria, but she is turned out by the doctor when he finds out she's not family.  Will this little boy be the demise of Ezria?  One can only hope.

Emily is a terrible detective.  Emily is refusing to accept that Toby is a bad person.  She was friends with him first!  He gave her the courage to come out!  She searches his apartment and finds the ID card that he used to sneak in to Radley with and plot with MonA.  The name on the card is E. Lamb.  Em tries to use her mom's police computer to find a pic of Lamb, but is foiled.  She also gets a convienent text from Toby telling him he wants to meet her.  Emily goes to Toby's work and sees Red CoAt.  She follows her, but loses her, duh.  She meets some hipster dude that Toby works with who knows her name.  She calls him on the fact that she never told him her name, but he evades, and Emily ignores it.  Seriously.  A horrible detective.  When she gets back to her car, she finds the window busted out and funeral program for Toby in the seat, along with a note from "A" proclaiming "Toby is no more."  Yikes.

Spencer is just sad.  Spence finds herself the recepient of the funeral wreath that was being made at the end of the last episode.  After examining the ribbon, Spence sees that the E and M look differently so she becomes convinced that Emily is "A"s next target.  Emily is not convinced.  It is probably because of Spencer's crazy eyes.  Spencer does the exact wrong thing and confronts MonA.  She gives her a warning about staying away from her friends.  MonA is non plussed.  Spencer decides to take matters into her own hands.  She follows MonA to the woods(!) and sees her bent over a body at a campsite.  Spencer investigates and finds the body wearing a motorcycle helmet.  She sees a tramp stamp and assumes it's Toby.  There are also abrasions on his hands.  But she never flips the body over!  Come on Spencer!  I mean, we never see his face.  I mean, I think we can all agree that Toby is still alive, right?  I mean, they wouldn't take him out like a punk.  MonA tells her that Toby is dead.  Spence chases after her and the next time we see her, police are shuffling Spencer into a polic car.  She seems almost catatonic.  She kind of looks like the Jersey Devil from that X-Files episode.  The cops are asking for psych eval.

At the end of the episode, someone is fishing in the lake where Hanna and Aria dumped Wilden's patrol car.  He catches a Roseewood PD cap.  Uh-oh.

So what did you guys think?  Are you hoping that after this Spencer gets her groove back?  Do you think Toby is actually dead?  Let me know in the comments.

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