Monday, March 11, 2013

RuPaul's Drag Race: Drag Can Save the World

RuPaul's Drag Race, Episode 6: "Can I Get An Amen?"

RuPaul loves the '80's and I love him for it!  On this episode, Ru tasked the queens with making a inspiration video ala "We Are the World" for his single "Can I Get an Amen?"  Surprisingly, some of the dolls had actual musical talent.  Unsurprisingly, the majority of them didn't.

The episode started with another really fun, really imaginative mini challenge.  Ru tasked the dolls with putting their face on in the dark while he watched with night vision goggles.  As you can expect, some of the queens did well, and some ended up looking like this:

Detox ended up winning the mini challenge and Ru tasked her with picking the rest of the teams.  Detox, of course, chose Roxxxy and Alask.  ROLASKATOX!  Then, she teamed up Alyssa and Coco and Jinkx, Jade, and Ivy.  Coco being paired with Alyssa sent her into a tailspin.  Coco needs to get her ish together.  For real.  She has potential, but she gets her panties in a bunch over nothing.  Alyssa was just fine.  Coco couldn't help but accuse Detox of being shady, which of course she was, but why get so bent out of shape about it.

The other teams were having their share of problems.  Alaska was feeling like a third wheel with Roxxxy and Detox.  You are definitely seeing some cracks forming in their clique.  At least, it was heavily edited to imply that.

Then, there was the team of Jade, Jinkx, and Ivy.  Jinkx and Ivy had actual singing ability, while Jade... did not.  Jade was not feeling this challenge and you could see her fading into the background.  I'm pretty sure she became one with the workroom wallpaper at one point.  

The issues continued once the lady boys went to their recording session with Ru's super cute producer Lucian Piane.  Typically, when Lucian participates in a challenge he is very stoic and serious.  This time he kind of let loose and had fun.  It was a nice change.

The ladies performed... OK.  Coco basically imploded.  She was super pissy and ridiculous.  Jade looked down the whole time.  Rolaskatox's lyrics were awful, but they gave their all, especially in the freesytle portion.  "Where my people at?"  Ivy and Jinkx did the best.  I was living for Jinkx's prolonged high note.  

On the runway, Coco continued to be downtrodden and accuse Detox of setting her up.  I don't think Ru was buying it though.  It also seems like Michelle Visage got a free psychology degree with her tits.  How else to explain her telling Alaska that she was disconnected and hiding, because she wore sunglasses during the video?  I did agree with her critique on Alaska's runway look.  I'm kind of sick of seeing her in the same mermaid style gown with the sideswept wig.  

Coco and Jade ended up in the bottom two and lip synced for their lives.  This was probably the best lip sync of the season.  Coco really tore it up and served it.  She better hope that she steps up her game in the challenges, because Ru rarely saves someone a third time.  

So, bye Jade.  I'm sure you'll go far.  Or you'll go back to making Nazi themed gay porn.  Check it out. It happened.  What did you guys think?  Are you sick of Coco being such a sad sack?  let me know in the comments.

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