Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Girls Recap: A Dog's Life

Girls, Episode 6: "Boys"

As the episode title suggests, Girls explored the boys a little on Sunday's episode.  Ray is still feeling pretty defeated, but he is hiding it as best he can behind his acerbic facade.  It turns out he had loaned Hannah his copy of "Little Women" and he wants it back.  Turns out Ray's aunt writes notes in the back of the books she gives him, so he knows how they relate to his life or which character he is most like.  This leads to a hilarious discussion about which character Ray would most be like.  Shoshanna suggests Marmee, but of course Hannah claims that he would be the deadbeat dad who ends up dying.  It turns out, Hannah left the book at Adam's, so Ray decides to take a trip down the rabbit hole to see if he can get it back.  

Ray gets to Adam where he is working on ... something.  He is working on some sort of construction project.  He lets Ray know the book is in the bathroom.  When Ray opens it up, he finds a dog that Adam stole because he thought that the owner was being cruel to him.  After an impassioned speech from Ray, the boys decide to take the dog back to it's owner on Staten Island.  They seem to be bonding a little bit on the ferry, but that all falls apart when Ray insults Hannah.  Adam flips out, proving that despite all that has gone down he is still in love with Hannah.  He even accuses Ray of having a thing for Hannah.  That is funny because I have thought the same thing.  It would explain why Ray is so hostile to her.  Adam bails on Ray, leaving Ray to go return the dog alone. 

Ray finds it's home, but has a hilarious, racist, homophobic conversation with his daughter.  Ray leaves, still with the dog and ends up looking out at the ferry.  Ray breaks down and it is a fantastic scene.  Alex Karpovsky really shines.   I was not a huge fan of Ray's last season.  He came off as kind of a misogynistic douche bag.  Putting him with Shoshanna really helped to soften him up and and this early '30's crisis he is going through is making him a lot more relatable, especially to me.

In other news, Hannah and Marnie's friendship is still deteriorating because neither one of them will take the first steps to reconcile.  Things start out well for Hannah, she meets with an editor played by Hedwig himself, John Cameron Mitchell.  He assigns Hannah to write an e-book.  Yay!  Bad news he needs it in a month.  Meanwhile, Marnie is still "dating" Booth Jonathan.  He is still a scumbag.  His assistant, Suchin, walks in on he and Marnie naked and they have a conversation, which is completely normal.  Then, she quits because she took a bite of his ice cream.  Since he is now assistantless, Booth asks Marnie to hosts his party.  Marnie, of course, believes that this is due to the fact that they are dating, but really it's because she works as a hostess.  Marnie freaks out in Booth's wine cellar and leaves.  Hopefully, that is the last we see of that guy.  Marnie calls Hannah, but the two former BFF's are more concerned with keeping up appearances, rather than actually being  honest with each other.  It was definitely a sad scene to watch, especially if you have ever gone through that with a friend before.

So, will Hannah and Marnie get back together before the season finale?  When will Adam and Hannah have sex again?  Did you warm up to Ray and were you surprised that he was 33?  Hit me up in the comments.

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