Monday, February 11, 2013

Girls Recap: "I'm a Unicorn!"

Girls, Episode 4: "It's a Shame About Ray"

Poor Marnie.  I think I may start every recap with those two words.  She continues to get the shaft.  She is still being accosted by Hannah, who gives her a pity invite to the dinner party she is throwing.  Charlie and Audrey are there and she has to stare at Audrey's ridiculous headband and listen to her equally ridiculous business venture.  Audrey and one of her friends want to start a mustard company.  Who could blame Marnie for laughing into her beer bottle.  I certainly felt for Marnie when Hannah let it slip that her trigger word is butthole.  This of course caused everyone at the table to say the word butthole more that it has probably ever been said in a two minute period.  Audrey used it as terrible segue, to confront Marnie about her showing up at Charlie's apartment for a late night cuddle.  It was at this point that Marnie had had enough.  She gave a big eff you to everyone and stormed out.  Much to Audrey's chagrin, Charlie follows.

Here is where Marnie loses me a little bit.  Marnie knows that Charlie is still in love with her.  I don't know if she still loves him or if she just likes having him to fall back on, because he knows he'll always be there for him.  Is Marnie jerking Charlie around?  Charlie tries to comfort her and goes in for the kiss, and that's when Marnie drops the bomb that she is dating Booth Jonathan.  Charlie reacts like anyone would if they found out that information.  Well, he does grab his crotch and tell her she isn't going to get any of this, so maybe he doesn't react like anyone.

Charlie comes in and calls Marnie a word that starts with a c and rhymes with bunt.  Hannah, who had been down on Marnie the whole episode due to the Elijah situation, sprang to her friends defense.  It was a nice scene and kind of showed that Marnie and Hannah will work this out.

This episode was kind of light on Hannah.  Besides, hosting the dinner party, she forced Elijah to move out and kept everything that George had bought for the apartment.

Shoshannah and Ray came to the party, and Shoshanna realized that Ray lived with her, without him saying anything to her.  I loved Shosh's reaction to this.  It was so over-the-top, but understandable.  I loved how she said she had wanted to call her aunt to talk to her about living with a man for the first time.

The biggest drama of the night came from Jessa and Thomas-John.  Their marriage finally imploded when it was time for her to meet his parents.  You knew it was going to go terribly when Thomas-John was basically telling her to be anyone but herself.  Jessa starts off the dinner by telling TJ's prissy parents that she hates the restaurant but is happy to meet them.  Off to a good start.  From there, the talk goes to how Jessa has taken heroin, shot, never snorted, and how there isn't a Lord.  When they get back to the apartment, their ridiculous relationship crumbles.  TJ believes that Jessa targeted him and only wants him for his money.  Jessa thinks TJ wants to live through her.  After TJ calls Jessa whore with no work ethic, she decks him and breaks his humanitarian.  After, he offers her money to go away, Jessa ends up in the bath with Hannah.

So, what did you guys think?  Is the last we'll see of TJ?  How do you feel about Marnie?  How sweet and odd is Ray and Shosh's relationship?  Hit me up in the comments.

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