Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Carrie Diaries Recap: Liar, Liar...

The Carrie Diaries, Episode 2:  "Lie with Me"

I love the '80's.  That is one thing that is abundantly clear when I watch The Carrie Diaries.  A few times during last nights episode I had to rewind my DVR because I wasn't paying attention.  I was too busy bopping along to the Go-Gos or Duran Duran.  It is a testament to the set and costume designers of the show.  They have done a great job of introducing todays teens to that magical decade.  It is a little sanitized, but fantasy should be.  Also, can we talk about the sweater Carrie is wearing in the picture.  I am in love with it.  A gray sweater with black As and B+'s along with a few bright red F's scattered around it.  Very Eighties school girl chic.  They are doing a great job, already, of shaping Carrie into the fashionista that we all know she'll one day become.

Last night's episode was all about lying.  The goody-two shoes Carrie introduced in the pilot, pretty much disappeared.  Carrie is enjoying her alone time with Sebastian, but it can only be at school since she is still grounded.  There is a plus side to the grounding, Carrie is able to spend some time with her sister, Dorrit.  Bond a little bit.  The huge downside is that while Carrie is confined to her house, Ho bag, Donna LaDonna is free to hit on Sebastian.  She does so pretty heavily at the country club, sharing a joint with him on the bench she lost her virginity on.  Sexy.  Luckily, Carrie has eyes everywhere.  Mouse spies Donna and Sebastian ducking out and calls Carrie from the host's phone.  The next day at school, Carrie waits for Sebastian to fess up.  He does!!  When, Donna shows up wearing his jacket.  Sad trombone noise.  Sebastian tells Carrie that nothing happened (which is confirmed via flashback) and he didn't tell her because he thought she'd judge him for getting high.  Let's face it.  She probably would.  I mean, she says she isn't, but you know she is.

Back in the city, Carrie is receiving messages from Larissa about her purse, even though Carrie's Bitch Boss, her words, has stressed NO PERSONAL CALLS!!  Personal calls are like her wire hangers.  She commands Carrie to bind things.  So, she blatantly disregards the personal call rule and calls Larissa.  Larissa pulls out her giant cell phone (outdated technology alert!!) and tells Carrie that the shoot is today.  Carrie tells her she can't get away from work and you can hear Larissa forgetting about Carrie.  Carrie is not ready to let that go, so she says she'll be there.  Carrie lies her way out of work and makes it to the shoot where she watches rapturously while her DIY purse is photographed.  After some zebra wrangling, Carrie books it back to her job.  In order to get out of trouble with BB, she spins some creative truths and gives her the one of a kind, Dior scarf that Larissa gave her.

Feeling empowered by all the lies she's been spinning, Carrie blows off Dorrit, so she can be with Sebastian.  Dorrit be not pleased, so she tattles to Daddy Bradshaw.  He finds Sebastian and Carrie macking in the pool, which seemed a little odd.  I mean, shouldn't someone be saying something.  It doesn't matter because Carrie's dad shows up.  After some awkward dad/possible boyfriend banter, it would seem that Sebastian had won Mr. Bradshaw over.  Turns out, not so much.  Unsurprisingly, he tells Carrie to stay away from Sebastian.  I totally see that happening.

Walt and Maggie are still not having sex.  Even though Maggie was totes going to give Walt a beej while her parents were watching The Love Boat.  Walt put a stop to that by pulling out the tried and true excuse that young gays have been using to escape hetero sex for as long as there have been young gays.  He had too much self respect for her.  Well, Maggie was willing to go find someone who didn't.  She hooked up with the cop in the backseat of his squad car.  You felt for Mags a little bit when she asked douche cop to hold her for a little while.  She gets home and finds Walt waiting for her.  He was planning on taking Carrie's secondhand "fake it 'til you make it" advice and have sex with her.  He, rightly, decides not to and they break up, after he tells her that he loves, her just not in that way.

So, how long do we think until Sebastian caves to the LaDonna?  Walt officially comes out?  Larissa opens her eyes and sees that Carrie is a teen?  Hit me up in the comments.

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