Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Carrie Diaries Recap: Penny for Your Vagina

The Carrie Diaries, Episode 3:  "Read Before Use"

Last night's episode of The Carrie Diaries felt the most like Sex and the City so far.  The crux of the episode was Carrie and Mouse going into the city so Mouse could meet her on again college boyfriend and Carrie could meet Larissa at The Furnace.  I'm glad that the show is following in the footsteps of it's predecessor.  One of my favorite things about SATC were the oddly named clubs that the ladies would find themselves in.  Carrie thought that they were going to an art exhibit, but instead they were going to see an ex-porn star turned performance artist named Monica Penny.  If you placed a penny in the jar, then Monica would show you her vagina.  It sort of reminded me of the episode of Sex when Carrie and Charlotte went to that art exhibit where the artist was just staying awake.  I was a little surprised that they went all vagina in the third episode, especially at 7 pm.  That's a little racy.  There was also something a little gross about a porn star showing a sixteen-year-old her vagina and then trying to convince said 16-year-old to show a roomful of adults her vagina.  I just typed the word vagina a lot.  Even with the creepy undertones, the scenes were packed full of vintage (literally) Carrie puns.  My personal favorite:  "In for a Monica Penny, in for a pound."

Things were going well in Carrie-land.  She was making out with Sebastian Kidd on park benches every chance she got.  She was blatantly ignoring her dad's warning about him.  Turns out, Sebastian is one of Papa Bradshaw's clients.  Carrie was desperate to know what he did, so she breaks into her dad's client files, which he keeps in a file cabinet, in a closet, in his house?  Is that normal?  Lawyers, does that happen?  It seems a little ridiculous.  Anyhoo, Carrie finds out that Sebastian was having sex with one of his teachers.  Carrie lets her dad know that she knows this and that she's cool with it.  Unsurprisingly, Papa Bradshaw is not cool with it and coupled with last weeks lying extravaganza, he thinks that Sebastian is the reason for the change in Carrie.  Um... could just be that she's a teenager.  Yes?  No?  Carrie tells Sebastian that she knows about his Mary Kay Letourneau and she's cool with it.  He is not.  He breaks up with our future sex columnist.  Not a huge surprise.

Some other stuff happened.  Papa Bradshaw went to a singles bar and played the widow card.  Classy. Mouse got back together with her boyfriend.  Maggie embraced her inner drama queen and hack slashed a panda that Walt had won for her.  Dorrit decided to shoplift a hamster.  Teenage rebellion looked a lot different in the Eighties.

So, I think this episode was the best yet.  Next week, Walt goes full gay.  What did you guys think?  

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