Friday, January 25, 2013

Pretty Little Liars Recap: Happy Anniversary

Pretty Little Liars, Episode 16:  "Misery Loves Company"

Man.  That was tough to watch.  Spencer found out that Toby was working with MonA and it was heartbreaking.  Definitely Troian Bellisario's finest moment on the show so far.  It'll be interesting to watch Spencer unravel and see how that affects the rest of the season.  Spencer is kind of the guiding force for the girls.  She keeps them focused and comes up with a lot of their plans.  This, I'm sure is going to significantly alter the girls' dynamic and it'll be interesting to watch.

A lot of stuff happened in this episode besides the big Toby reveal.  There was a lot of movement in the Byron story and Caleb and Paige started conspiring to take down "A" on their own and protect their respective girlfriends.  Let's take a look at what happened going from least interesting to most interesting.

Hanna was getting ready for a job interview with a fashion designer.  When she went to change to model for Caleb, she heard him talking to someone.  His end of the convo sounded very suspicious and "A" centric.  She asked him who he was talking to and he lied and said his mom.   Hanna convinces Emily to follow Caleb to find out who he is really meeting.  When she goes to her interview she finds a room filled with faceless white mannequins hanging from chains hooked in the ceiling.  "A" shows up and attacks Hanna with the creepy mannequins, which doesn't seem like it would be that scary, but it would be.  The whole scene kind of reminded me of when Jenny McCarthy got killed in Scream 3.  Maybe it was an unintentional homage?  "A" drops a key on the ground which Hanna recovers and ends up giving to Spencer.  Meanwhile, Emily follows Caleb, but can't get a good look at who he is meeting.  It turns out to be Paige.  They talk about how the girls are taking so many risks and aren't even thinking about the consequences.  They decide to team up and take down "A" on their own, for the sake of their significant others.

Aria doesn't feel good and looks even worse.  Meredith is nursing her back to health using some home remedy.  Who saw Meredith drugging Aria a mile away?  Hands.  Did anyone not, I think would be a better question.  While she was drugged, Aria has a dream/vision with Allison.  They have a conversation about Byron and the blackmail.  She also warns Aria about Meredith.  She is holding onto the doll that Aria stuck the diary pages in.  She leaves it next to the door when she leaves and Aria awakes.  She looks over and the doll is where Allie left it.  Creeeeepppyy.  Did that really happen? I'm thinking no, but I could be wrong.  Aria wakes up and dumps Mer's home remedy in a plant.  I'm hoping they show the plant later on and it's dead.  That'd be awesome.  Aria gets up and her door is locked and no one is home.  She can't pick the lock so she breaks a mirror and climbs back into bed, holding a glass shard.

Meanwhile, Nurse Ratched is being as shady as she possibly can be.  Her eye is twitching and I'm surprised she hasn't gotten the shakes.  She has Aria's phone and is declining calls from everyone.  Hanna and Em spy her inside a pharmacy trying to get her anxiety meds refilled.  The pharmacist is not having it, and the crazy eyes she is flashing him while she is trying to convince him, I don't think are helping her case any.  She finally decides on like 9 boxes of cold medicine and takes off.  Hanna and Emily smell an adulterous bitch and follow her back to Aria's.  

Aria wakes up to find Crazy Pants towering over her.  She has Aria's glass shard and is telling Aria that she hid the diary pages well.  There is a brief struggle and Aria overpowers Meredith and heads downstairs.  She tries to call the po po, but a storm has knocked the phone out.  Meredith then knocks Aria out.  Hanna and Emily arrive shortly after and even thought the power is out, they think it's a good idea to go down in the dark basement.  There, they find Aria knocked out.  They wake her up just as Byron is getting home.  They hear an argument and then Byron appears offering to set the record regarding Allison straight.

Byron explains that he did go to see Allison the night she disappeared, but wasn't going to pay her blackmail.  He was prepared to face the consequences for his actions, but when Allison went missing he pussied out.  Aria believes him, but you can see that she is still a little doubtful of the whole thing.  He also tells her that Meredith ran away.  So, we definitely haven't seen the last of her.

Finally, Spencer.  Spencer started the episode with a secret plan to surprise Toby with an anniversary dinner.  She got Em to get Toby's loft keys so she could make dinner for him.  While she was there, she opens a drawer and there is Toby's Radley Sanitarium ID badge.  After I watched the episode back a second time, I realized that Spencer knew about Toby for almost the entire episode which makes it all the more heartbreaking.  She leaves the "A" key on the counter for Toby to see when he gets there so she can gauge his reaction.  She lies about what it is and tosses the key in a drawer.  She is waiting for Toby when he shows up in his hoodie digging through the drawer.  "Looking for this?" she asks.  The look on Toby's face says it all.  Spencer confronts him and he takes off.  The episode ends with Spencer banging on Toby's loft door and sobbing.  Inside, MonA is drinking wine and eating Spoby's anniversary dinner.  

Whew.  Emotional episode peeps.  Are you excited for next week?  Do you think Spencer will fess up or keep it a secret?  Are you excited to learn why Toby is working for "A"?  When do you think Meredith will pop back up and do you think Ella should invest in a security system?  Hit up the comments and let me know.

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