Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Girls Recap: Three Pumps and Constructive Criticism

Girls, Episode 2:  "I Get Ideas"

In Sunday nights episode, the girls continued to try to get their respective grooves back.  Some were more successful (Hello, Shosh canoodling with Ray and Jessa with you picnic basket full of puppies) than others (Hannah's split with Sandy and 9-1-1 call, Marnie hostessing).

Elijah confesses to George that he kind of had sex with Marnie.  Elijah attempts to smooth things over and explain it was no big deal, but George is not having it.  Elijah knows that he is desperately close to losing his sugar daddy, so he starts throwing everything out there.  How he told George from the start he might be bi, and that George embarrassed him at the part so they are even.  I'm not for sure if Elijah even realizes that these are terrible excuses.  He probably doesn't.  George stands fast on the break up.  Elijah tells him that it wasn't even real sex, just "three pumps, two and a half tops, before I lost my boner."  George asks Elijah how Hannah feels about this.  Elijah says he has no intention of telling Hannah, which I sort of agree with.  Yes, it is wrong lying to a friend, but what is telling truth going to accomplish?  It will just make Hannah more neurotic than she already is.  George will not be swayed.  He leaves his boy behind.

Elijah finds solace with Hannah who is watching a video of sad, depressing, serial killer-y, break up songs that Adam sent her, while wearing a combo vest/sleeping bag.  It also has a hood and is bright orange and is hideous and I kind of totally want one.  Hannah and Elijah are talking about the prospect of Adam murdering her while she sleeps.  Hannah doesn't think that is going to happen, but she doesn't seem totally convinced.  She is excited that she can have a healthy relationship like she's always deserved.  She is obviously talking about Sandy, who is a Republican.  Elijah is not a fan.  Loved when Elijah called Hannah a glow worm.

Meanwhile, Marnie is at an interview at a new gallery, being interviewed by the snobby, pretentious manager?  Director?  Curator?  I'm not sure what her title is.  I am sure that she is a condescending bee-yotch.  If someone ever tried to demonstrate to me how to make tea like I was mentally impaired, I'd choke them with the tea bag.  Whew.  Glad that's off my chest.  Now, where was I?  Oh yeah, Prissy McBitchpants tells Marnie that she could offer her the receptionist position, but she isn't going to.  She also tells Marnie that she doesn't see her in the art world.  Marnie and her Ann Taylor suit are dejected.

Back at Casa de Hahlijah, Hannah and Sandy are brushing their teeth together, while Hannah waxes poetic about Sandy's lovemaking prowess.  Their moment of bliss is interrupted by Elijah, who asks Sandy if he is cool "being this close to a queer."  Sandy does his best, but Elijah is not having it.  Hannah tells him not to take his break up with George out on her relationship.  That reminds her that she asked Sandy to read one of her essays.  After some more sparring with Elijah, Sandy makes some excuses and takes off.  Hmmm...

Marnie walks in on Ray and Shoshanna in bed.  They are deep in discussion about pig petting.  That is not a euphemism.  They are seriously talking about petting pigs.  Marnie spends some time complaining about her life.  The lovebirds attempt to tell her that she has a Bachelor's Degree and is pretty.  She is not model pretty, but she is pretty enough to have a pretty person job, like being a hostess at a club.  One of Shoshanna's friends does it and she gives Marnie the hook up.

Jessa's storyline with Thomas-John is going nowhere fast or everywhere really slowly.  Hannah shows up and the happy couple? show off their matching tiger tattoos.  Thomas-John heads to a meeting, but not without leaving a picnic basket full of puppies.  The whole time I couldn't help thinking about those poor puppies.  How long were they in there?  Could they breathe ok?  These don't seem like the kind of people who should own pets.  The ladies take the dogs to the park and Jessa gives Hannah relationship advice.  Seriously?  Yeah.  That makes sense.  Hannah mentions that Sandy still hadn't read her essay, and Jessa tells her that if he won't accept her art, he can't accept her... or something like that.  Whatever.

Hannah takes it to hear though, and asks Sandy again about her essay.  He admits he read it, but wasn't a big fan of it.  He cops to it being well written, but that he didn't feel it went anywhere.  It was like the things you think while standing in line at the grocery store.  On paper.  Hannah pretends that she is fine with this and is happy to have this dialogue, but she is not.  I completely understand and felt for Hannah here.  When you write something and are proud of it, you want to show it to people that you care about or respect and have them validate you.  You may give it to them to read, under the guise of wanting their feedback, but what you really want is praise.  You don't want to be criticized.  Hannah uses this to lash out at Sandy over his political beliefs.  They have a fight, which Hannah ends by quoting Missy Elliott. She does offer to have sex with Sandy, though, because she doesn't believe in blue balls.

Back at the crib, Marnie shows up in her new hostessing uniform, looking like a "slutty Von Trapp child" according to Elijah.  He is afraid Marnie is there to tell Hannah what happened.  Marnie is not, but she feels bad keeping it a secret.  Elijah then goes on to give the best description of Hannah I have ever heard, so here it is, in it's entirety:  "She is thin skinned, like a little baby and she will take this so so personally and it will become a huge thing like, "Why aren't you attracted to me?  Why didn't you invite me?"

Hannah shows up after this exchange and announces that she and Sandy broke up.  Marnie tells Hannah about her new job hostessing at the Wedgewood Club.  Hannah is not impressed.  She tries to elevate herself above Marnie's new job, but Marnie can see right through her.

While watching a YouTube video on how to cut your own bangs, Hannah receives a text from Adam, saying that he is downstairs.  She quickly shuts off the light, but jokes on her.  Stalker boy saw her turn her lights off.  Adam appears at her bedroom doorway shouting, "Cinco de Mayo!!" because, why wouldn't you?  He apologizes for sending her the album!  An album!  Are you kidding me?  Hannah tries to get him to leave but he wants milk.  Hannah acquiesces, but tells him he has to leave.  While at the fridge, Hannah dials 9-1-1, but quickly ends the call.  Adam makes it clear to Hannah that he is not going to stop pursuing her, which is sweet and creepy and a little mentally unstable all at once.

Hannah tells Adam that she wants him to go away, but he mocks her.  Hannah is fed up so she screams "Go away" a few times and shoves him.  This seems to get through to Adam.  He leaves, but is met by the police, who are responding to Hannah's aborted 9-1-1 call.  She tries to lie about it, but Hannah is a terrible liar, so she finally fesses up.  There is talk of restraining orders until the police run Adam's name and find out that he has some unpaid parking tickets and an ignored summons for public urination.  The cops haul Adam away while he screams, "I'm crazy!" and Hannah shouts platitudes as they leave.

So what did you guys think?  Will Marnie find her calling in hostessing?  Will Jessa get a better storyline?  Am I the only one who is kind of on Adam's side in all this?  Let me know in the comments.

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